Monday, July 20, 2009

My happiness experiment

So I am taking notes this week of 5 things each day that make me happy. Anything from the weather to winning the lottery. Just 5 things to remind me that no matter how shit things are, there are ALWAYS positives around and joy to be had.

Monday July 20th

1. No rain, clouds

2. My friend reminded me of that LOVELY little ad, Daddy or Chips, it was a McCains ad from a few years ago, so so cute.

3. I wrote a no-holds-barred email to a friend about a bunch of guys we know. I was livid and let rip. Reading back on what I wrote made me laugh and happy.

4. My BFFFFF told me she's coming out in November for almost a whole week and staying with me.

5. I spoke to my Dad who told me that my niece and nephew are just adorable and, while my little 17 month old niece might be a madam, neither of them are spoiled or bold. This made me very happy :)

Tuesday July 21st
1. I got a ride from the train station. I had walked a bit, but it was raining, so this was a mini bonus!

2. I received an email from someone I really never expected to.

3. I daydreamed about travelling and all the countries I want to go to and I wikipedia-d a lot of them.

4. Being relentlessly flirted with by the guy who works upstairs. I have ZERO interest, but, it's fun and a huge ego boost.

5. Got home and no one else was there for a precious few hours. Bliss!

Wednesday July 22nd
1. Another warm sunny day. Yaaaay!

2. I watched the funniest you tube video evar. Bunch of religious freakazoids singing no less about how everyone on the planet is going to hell. Funny as heck.

3. Cheese, I had some kick ass cheese today! OM nom nom nom

4. Watched So You Think You Can Dance and watched a beautifully touching dance

5. I got a ride to the train station.

Thursday July 23rd
1. Had a nice power walk to the office.

2. Finished Twilight, sigh, so, so, so romantic.

3. Chatted with a very good mate online for a wee while.

4. Got complimented on my writing, on a particular piece.

5. It rained all evening and I had nothing to do, it was nice to sit in and listen to it.

Friday July 24th
1. Got a seat all to myself on the train.

2. Did very little at work all day BUT did manage to get a party organized for my Dad for when I get home.

3. 5 PM

4. Got all my laundry done, clean sheets and towels and PJ's. YUMMY

5. KICK ASS lightning storm. Was amazing.

Saturday July 25th
1. Dropped 2 pounds this week.

2. Did a shit tone of shopping and got a ton of stuff for next to nothing. SORTED for home.

3. Quick bus ride back into the city.

4. Harry Potter and

5. No one was in when I got home.

Sunday July 26th
1. Lay in bed just thinking and lazing for an hour.

2. Got up and then got BACK into bed. Sigh.

3. Seriously, though, finally got up properly, around 2.30 and went into Manhattan.

4. Watched a KICK ass thunderstorm while eating dinner outside and though kept having to move back in under the awnings, it was amazing.

5. Reminisced on You Tube with songs and bands from back in my day, An Emotional Fish, Sultans of Ping F.C, the Devlins, A House, Whipping Boy, Power of Dreams etc etc etc.

So, I guess the point of this was to prove to myself that even though times and tough and things are hard, there is a lot of good stuff still around and little things can make you happy. I could have picked 10 for each day, truth be known. of course a lot of negatives too. But the good is there, it exists. You may just have to look that little bit harder for it.......................


  1. Just reading your happy top 5 made me happy :)

    Daddy or chips.... what a classic! :)

  2. Aw I liked reading that! And I am in your happy list!! :) You make me happy too my good buddy!

    much loves xx
