Ok so here's what's been going down since I last scribbled on here. I got the obligatory break-up haircut and I have to admit, I love it! :) Good stuff.
I am persisting with the spinning to my own amazement. YES you sweat like, well like so many rude sayings, but goddammit it, it works. So far so good. So I spent most of this afternoon chatting to my BFFFFFF and we have come up with a plan. He has 7 pounds to lose, I, well, I have a little more than that, but let's not go there. So we have hatched the makings of a plan. We are going to set little goals for ourselves. Exercise wise I mean. I pledge to hit the gym at LEAST 3 times a week, if not my grandiose notions of four times. My plan is Monday night, swimming. Tuesday night, spinning. Thursday and Saturday my cardio and weights. We shall see.
Part of this plan is to keep an HONEST account of the shit we consume every week. By shit we mean chocolate, fried crap, excessive cheeses etc etc etc. So this might actually shame us into stopping consuming so much of it. We are going to have a weekly Skype conference call to make it all official. So our reward for all of this? Well, we're not sure yet as we live in different countries BUT there is a huge possibility he's going to be here in April! Woo hoo! So we will come up with something for then.
I miss him so much. We never have cross words, he's honest to a fault with me, he laughs at me if I get too emotional, he grounds me and yet can make me soar in two seconds! We ALWAYS have a BLAST together, we have a similar sense of humor, we can both be complete drama queens yet at the same time despise drama, I confide everything in him, and I mean everything. There is nothing he doesn't know about me and yet he still loves me for ME and reciprocates everything I give to him. I have to see him whenever I go home, he's numero uno priority after my family, heck, he is my family.
This is HUGELY motivational for me. I have been feeling MUCH better this past week. Making life decisions ain't easy but heck, happiness is worth so so so much more than any material goods. My lil plan is coming together nicely. I cannot really say too much about it right now, but, rest assured this time next year I am going to be somewhere entirely different to where I am now. That may include geographically, who knows where I'll end up.
Things are on the up and up. I can feel it. Life is good. Love is all around!